Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I don't have the luxury of time to put up an elaborate review of the past 2 movies I've seen this weekend/week but I did want to at least mention my seeing them.

Saw Chronicles of Narnia with The Spouse of Proteinstar Sat. Best literary film translation ever, hands down. It helps that the book is less than 200 pages long.

Superb acting, pacing and special effects, after this one and Kong there is no doubt what special effects company reigns supreme.

And speaking of Kong, King Kong is probably one of the greatest remakes ever made. I mean the original is good in that 1933 way. This one? I have never shouted out in a theatre from sheer fear, not ever. But there are 2 scenes that had me squirming in my seat, one with a log and another after a log. What was it with logs? The movie is insane, slow for 45 minutes then BANG! I was laughing from the complete insanity that Jackson bombarded by retinas with...and by insanity I mean pure celluloid gold. Action sequences that were just blow your mind awesome. Jurassic Park eat your heart out.

So there..this year has been amazing for movies...Star Wars III, Harry Potter 4, Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong. Just awesome. Here's something for you, all these movies rocked the box office, the all happen to be sci-fi or fantasy, most of Hollywood is tanking right now, guess what kind of movies we're going to see made in the near future? Oh yeah, sci-fi and fantasy. And they're going to run it into the ground. Gotta love those suits.

So run to your local theatre and feed my lust for all things science fiction/fantasy. Hollywood's finally going to make what I want.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear that Narnia remains true to the book. I'm not sure "spouse" and I will go alone, due to "child" but we've been thinking of taking niece, and nephew I & II to see it. Good to hear you are still dating! Well, I'm off to venture into the freezing rain. If only it could be done via special effects: send my clone out into the weather to Christmas shop, and put my feet up here to watch a movie...

Anonymous said...

anonymous? hmm - well it was supposed to be "jonathankpa"... ah well - have a Merry Christmas...